The SC61 Waveform Analyzer starts with a high quality oscilloscope. The CRT display section has a bandwidth of 60MHz, and is usable to 100MHz to show the needed detail when analyzing digital signals. Specially designed sync circuits (using differential amplifiers and emitter-coupled logic stages) provide solid triggering with the fewest trigger adjustments possible. The input capabilities extend from 5 mV per division all the way to 2000 V DC or AC p-p. The SC61 features three Auto-Tracking functions, which are: DC volts, p-p volts, and frequency. All three functions measure the entire waveform. The SC61 also features Delta tests which measure the p-p amplitude, time, or frequency of any part of the waveform shown on the CRT. All test are automatically ranged of directly interfaced to the input attenuators for direct readings. · Auto-Tracking™ digital readout provides 100% automatic digital readings of all the key waveform parameters through one probe at just the push of a button · 60MHz (useable to 100MHz) high performance wave analyzing · Dual trace with rock solid sync (including video) eliminates frustrating fiddling with complicated controls so you can concentrate on the defective circuit · Five times the measuring capability of any conventional scope allowing you to analyze without fear of damage to the Waveform Analyzer.
(Sencore waveform analyzer model sc-61 was posted and is owned by: Tara Terry) | (Tara Terry)
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