NEW ! Brown & Sharpe No.22 Collet, HEX and SQUARE * This is new inventory manufactured to the original Brown & Sharpe specifications for material, concentricity and hardness. * Because we specialize in only the Brown & Sharpe range of stock holding collets and feeders, and do not have large corporate overhead, we can offer superior products at a better value. * Partial Listing of Sizes Available. NOTE: $35.00 each ( per size ). 1/4 SQ, 5/16 SQ, 7/16 SQ, 1/2 SQ, 9/16 SQ, 5/8 SQ, 11/16 SQ 3/8 HX, 1/2 HX, 9/16 HX, 5/8 HX, 11/16 HX, 7/8 HX, .820 HX, BLANK RD & HX, BLANK SQ * No 22 Collets are used on Brown & Sharpe 2 Han Feed, 2G, 2 Auto & 2 Ultramatics. Return Policy: If you are dissatisfied for any reason, you may contact us and return your purchase for a full refund. If you are interested, need addition equipment, or have questions, please feel free to email us at or call us at ((***)-753-3345 or (***)-349-5665) If you interested in this item, be sure to check our store. We sell repair parts and accessories for Brown & Sharpe and most other brands of automatics. (New brown & sharpe no.22 collet, in hex and square was posted and is owned by: Lisa Blackwell) | (Lisa Blackwell)
for more information.