I must also add that these are extremely hardy ducks. Kansas has its share of preditors. We have wolves, coyotes, foxes, bobcats, Chicken Hawks, Golden and Bald Eagles. In addition to the indiginous preditors, my particular area is full of wild dogs and cats that irresponsible pet owners from Topeka have driven out to the country to drop off and get rid of. They hunt and roam in packs. For the past 15 years I have tried to have ducks and geese if only to keep the catfish spawn under control to not over stock the lake. I have tried Peking, Call, even Mallard ducks hoping the natural instincts would keep them alert to preditors. But with these muscovy's it is simply not a problem. They hang out under my front porch all day, eat with the chickens in the coop, and return to the lake at sunset. To date, I have had no loss of Muscovy Ducks. So far they are smarter than both land and air preditors.
(Muscovy duck hatching eggs ( set of 4 ) presale was posted and is owned by: Marcy Coleman) |
marcy_coleman@chicagopartsnetwork.com (Marcy Coleman)
for more information.