Please read the item title for a description of the application it fits. If this isn't exactly the part you're looking for please email us & include the equipment make, equipment type (i.e. backhoe-loader, bulldozer, loader etc.), equipment model number, what the cylinder does (i.e. bucket, boom, blade, etc.) & if you have it, the cylinder number, OE part number, equipment serial # etc. We will hunt for the right kit for your machine & email you a link to the listing if it is available. Kits do not include instructions, read and follow equipment manufacturers' instructions for replacing seals. Some kits may include extra parts because they are made to fit the design variations of a particular model. Kits for rod glands with press in metallic bearings (such as bronze) generally will not contain a replacement bearing, however phenolic & plastic bearings are normally included. If a bearing is available seperately we will let you know. Because seal designs are continuously improving, and because of possible previous repairs, some kits may have a different seal design than the seal you remove, however, unless the original seal grooves were machined in a previous repair the replacement seals should fit & function properly. Never attempt to service a pressurized cylinder, or a cylinder connected to a load, never use air or hydraulic pressure to disassemble a cylinder. (John deere 310A/b backhoe bucket cyl kit s/n 701219 + was posted and is owned by: Bridget Stevens) | (Bridget Stevens)
for more information.