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NSN5210-01-576-2924 protractor mechanic 360CW degree

NSN5210-01-576-2924 protractor mechanic 360CW degree
#900 Miracle Point Magnetic Base Protractor
This accurate protractor has an extremely sensitive, balanced needle which gives immediate reading of angles for 360 degree radius. The V base exerts a powerful magnetic pull to most any shape/form. The V base is precision milled and the center pin will show the middle point.
* Determining angles on shapers, milling machines, grinders, etc.
* Quickly finds center of square or round stock.
* All angle finding operation in your shop.
* Indispensable in quickly and accurately determining angles.
* Locate plumb and centerline.
* Checks drive line angles and many other uses.
(NSN5210-01-576-2924 protractor mechanic 360CW degree was posted and is owned by: Wade Weaver)
Contact: (Wade Weaver) (actual email hidden)
Contact (Wade Weaver) for more information.

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NSN5210-01-576-2924 protractor mechanic 360CW degree NSN5210-01-576-2924 protractor mechanic 360CW degree NSN5210-01-576-2924 protractor mechanic 360CW degree